V I D E O / H E A L T H C A R E
Visionable Global
We found through research, that the majority of Clinic/Practice Managers found it both stressful and inefficient creating custom Consultations for their various clinic types.
Ideation / Collaboration
I ran collaborative ideation sessions (using Miro) with the design, product, clinical safety and development teams; including some clinic/practice managers - where wireframes were created for validation. Once agreed, hi-fidelity screens were designed in Figma then presented in one of many regular 'Show&Tell' sessions. Team members would also leave comments in Figma.
We gave Clinic/Practice Managers the ability to configure their own consultations or use a set of pre-determined configurations for:
We also gave them the ability to customise the Branding, Joining/Waiting, In-call and Leave Call experience (as per the supporting screen designs).
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